Will this program work?

I wish I could tell you that ARISE would absolutely "work," but I can't. There is no magical pill that will bring your soul healing. YOU are the only one who gets to decide if it will work. If you're willing to take radical action and trust the process you will get results (and quickly)!

I have a lot of baggage from my past and a history of extreme abuse. Is this still a good fit?

It sure is! Clarity comes from action, not thought! By diving into this support group tribe (even if you don't feel ready), you are really giving yourself the best opportunity to find your path and purpose to a complete healing from the aftermath and effects of sexual abuse and traumas.


What if I didn’t experience extreme abuse, but still struggle with the areas your courses cover?

You are welcome here! I have designed ARISE to cater to all traumas and side effects such as PTSD, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, SLEEP DISORDERS, FEAR OF INTMACY and more. Whatever the circumstance is ARISE will help you heal.

I'm involved in a lot of groups at my church or celebrate recovery. Will this work for me?

Yes! It will! ARISE will guide you through the dark areas that are specific to your life or past. We believe intimacy is better than being busy. ARISE is going to take you into a place of healing. You will be surrounded by a community who will champion you into healing and freedom. You will also be exposed to multiple testimonies, which will ignite your faith and show you the infinite possibilities of healing in your own life.


Things are pretty hectic in my life right now. Should I wait for a better time?

Believe it or not, there will never be a better time than RIGHT NOW.  Most never feel ready, I didn’t. It will always be a big investment. Some of the most epic testimonies have come from those who pursued healing while they were still in mountains of debt, working full time, raising babies, in the middle of a divorce, moving, getting married, etc! ARISE  is designed in a way that allows you to go through the content at your own pace, it fits into any schedule anytime. Quick and easy lessons for our modern pace. Any time, Anywhere, Any device.

What if I can't afford it? I really should pay back my debt and make more money before investing.

We get it! Who has a ton of extra money laying around in their bank account?! I know personally I didn’t. If you can’t meet your basic needs like food, gas and housing, then definitely contact us @ info@livecalledwell.com where we can work with you individually. If it feels uncomfortable but you can meet your basic needs than you’re in the right space. The truth is, when you choose to invest in ARISE you're deciding that you are worthy and you are  no longer sitting on the sidelines. You are choosing to be the overcomer of your story, instead of a victim. Right now, ARISE is as cheap as it will ever be, and there is even an extended payment option. The investment will never be comfortable, but when you begin making decisions as if failure isn't an option, everything in your life will change.


Do you offer refunds?

No! I believe that if you know there is a refund you will go in with the mentality that this program might not work for you. In order for this to work you need to be fully committed.

Is ARISE just for adults?

No. Live Called Well is for everyone. If you have a child who could benefit from this program ages 13 & up, I would totally recommend signing them up!  I also am available for Life Coaching for those who have been sexually abused. For more information go to https://livingcalledwell.mykajabi.com/trauma-coaching

Are there any other start cost involved?
