Sylvia has been such an encouragement to my faith because of the depth of relationship and communication she has with God. I have been inspired by her weekly testimonies to pursue a greater connection with The Father and to listen for His words of guidance and direction. Hearing Sylvia tell of her encounters with God and witnessing His outpouring of grace and blessing on her family has reminded me many times over what a loving and faithful Father we have.
— Tina Rood
Sylvia’s passionate faith in God is contagious! Her intimacy with Jesus creates a longing in me to know Him more deeply. Her courageous sharing of God’s healing love with those in need challenges me to boldly reach out to the hurting. Her purity of heart stirs a desire in me to be a pure vessel of God’s healing. In short, spending time with Sylvia deepens my desire to be more like Christ!
— Carole Anderson
I can think of no one I know who more embodies what it means to be an Overcomer than Sylvia. Not only is she my friend, but someone I deeply respect in our faith. I have watched and walked alongside her as she’s dealt with abuse, death, criticism, bad diagnosis, triggers from past traumas- all with a power and wisdom that only comes through true intimacy with Jesus. ANYONE who is willing to receive from her will be richly blessed and forever changed.
— Kelsi Bahr
Sylvia is uniquely gifted in her capacity to instantly connect with others and to leave people feeling encouraged in the midst of some of life’s most chaotic or tragic situations. She has an uncanny ability to connect with women and girls of different walks of life, ages and cultures. Her life story is a powerful testament of the power of Jesus Christ and the transformative way He can bring wholeness out of brokenness.. God has saved Sylvia through some very dark, troubling circumstances, and it is a joy to watch Him use her story of redemption to help other girls and women find healing and restoration.
— Hayley Haagsma
Sylvia is someone that continually makes those around her better. The passion and fierce loyalty she has to pursue the Lord and follow his leading is contagious. She’s personally impacted me as I have walked along side her in challenging seasons of life and watched as she never once questioned or wavered in her faith or pursuit of the Lord. Time and time again as she saw God’s faithful character revealed she continued to publicly speak of the wonders that God was doing, sharing testimony of God’s faithfulness and giving encouragement that we too can walk into a space of trust and relationship with the Lord. She is truly a blessing to know.
— Sally Whitman
Sylvia is one of the most beautiful souls I know. She has been there not only for me but for my whole family and has helped me and my mother get through so many hard times, and I couldn’t have asked for a better mentor. She has a faith that I’ve never seen before, I strive to have faith like hers one day. She walks everyday trusting that Jesus is going to be there and get her through every hardship she may encounter. She spoke a word over me the beginning of 2018 that changed my life. That word is Awaken, she told me that 2018 years was going to be the year of awakening for me and she was so right, except for one part... 2018 and so far in 2019 have both been years of awakening for me! (Haha) She is a true blessing to any and everyone she comes in contact with. This woman hears from Jesus so clearly that God will speak something to her about some random person and without hesitation go up to share with them and 9/10 the word is spot on. I love her and she is kind and funny and REAL!
— Maci Abraham
Shortly after I got married, I began to realize that there were things from my past that I needed to work through in order to have a healthy marriage. I had an inappropriate sexual relationship with one of my youth leaders when I was a junior in high school, and at the time, I had no idea what an abuse of power that time was. My marriage started out with a struggle for intimacy, and while we immediately found that our community rallied to fight for us to see freedom and breakthrough, there weren’t people who understood my experience and the things I was feeling.

A few months later, my sister referred me to a mentor of hers (Sylvia) who she said had the life and faith experience to help me. I met up with Sylvia in what felt like the greatest leap of faith, and she sat with me on the beach for almost two hours, watching sea lions and battling through prayer. She referred me to a Christian counselor (who I’ve been seeing for the last three months) and has championed me through the process of healing and breakthrough.

I am still in process, and my journey isn’t finished, but it would have been so much harder for me to make the leaps that I have made if Sylvia hadn’t made herself available to me, a complete stranger, to pray, talk, and encourage me through my healing. She has been unspeakably instrumental in the healing Jesus has brought not just to my body, but to my thought life and my spirit, and I’m so thankful that she said yes to me and continually says yes to what the Lord has over her life.
— Bella Rood
I know that I am truly blessed to have the Caldwells in my life. Sylvia constantly inspires me to walk in life with Christ, she is always open and honest which helps me have a good connection with her. No matter where Sylvia is she brings God’s love with her from just being kind or praying over a stranger. They have been here for me whenever and I am thankful for them.
— Isabel Sours
I was raised in the church and have always grown up with strong Christian women in my community, but have never met someone like Sylvia! She immediately challenged my faith and continually helps me seek The Lord in my everyday life. The way she lives her life is truely a testiment to the powerful redemption she’s experienced. She brings people into her walk and genuinely introduces them to Christ’s love. She has opened my eyes to different ways God can communicate and how eager He is to have an engaged relationship with us. Sylvia’s heart is beautiful and I am so thankful to have her in my life.
— Josie Gardner
It has been my privilege to know Sylvia for approximately five years now. I consider her to be not only a dear friend and sister in Christ, but like a daughter to me. I have watched her wrestle with some big challenges, such as sons with life-threatening allergies who have been delivered and healed, leading her Mom to the Lord a few days before her death after a lifetime of addiction, secrets and dysfunction, and her own story of healing from sexual abuse as a baby by her father. She has an exuberance and boldness about life and her faith in Christ that changes the atmosphere around her, and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for her next. She is living proof that God is using the broken things in this world to build His Kingdom!
— Connie O’Brien
I consider Sylvia a true friend more like a spiritual sister. She has supported me during some of my toughest seasons and even better she was praying for me when I didn’t even know it and I witnessed these prayers answered. The love for Jesus that she displays on day to day basis is real and truly inspiring, something I personal strive to be more like. I admire her fearless attitude when it comes to praying for others and using her personal testimony to show God’s glory.
— Kat Jackson
Before I met Sylvia I didn’t understand how much I needed a Kingdom driven, call it like it is, pray though anything friend. When we first connected I was walking in fear and anxiety, believing lies the enemy had told me about my identity and about my son’s FPIES diagnosis. Sylvia prayed with me, speaking life and identity into my heart and spoke the healing testimony of her boys over my son. What’s so special about Sylvia is that she never stops there. She doesn’t just pray for you and leave, she stays and walks through it with you; she does life with you. In the weeks following we texted, talked at church, and continued to pray together. Seeing the way her family won against FPIES and how she came through it so spiritually strong and on mission for the Lord changed how I viewed our situation and how I was looking at and speaking to God. Two weeks after we met, through Christ’s amazing power, the prayer and prophetic dreams of Sylvia and other friends, and stepping out of lies and into truth, our son was fully and miraculously healed of FPIES. Over a year later I count Sylvia as one of my closest friends and a huge gift in my life! She has walked through many difficult things with me and is constantly reminding me that I am a loved and chosen daughter of the King walking with a divine power and purpose. I now am blessed with the opportunity to lead a teen girl small group each week; I get to be to them what Sylvia has been to me. The Lord knew we all needed Sylvia in our life and I am so blessed by every moment with her!
— Lena
Sylvia has a beautiful relationship with the Lord! Her life is full of Jesus as she involves HIM is everything and hears HIS voice and feels HIS presence! She is truly alive in Christ! Her faith is lived out in decisions big and small. I have admired her decisions with her children that require not parenting out of fear but great faith! Enjoy her blogs! Sylvia truly lives a life of freedom and wellness!
— Julee Dilley
Sylvia is a walking testimony of how we should live for Christ. Her passion for Jesus is real, raw, and filled with purpose. My own life has been forever impacted by being a witness to some of the amazing things God has done in and through her.
— Kim Patrick